The Santa Monica Playhouse BFF Binge Fringe Festival of FREE Theatre! What’s On In-Person today

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.
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October 21, 2021, 7:30 PM to October 28, 2021, 9:00 PM
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Santa Monica Playhouse
1211 4th Street
Santa Monica, California 90401
The Santa Monica Playhouse BFF Binge Fringe Festival of FREE Theatre! What’s On In-Person today

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.

Join us for the 6th Annual BFF Binge Fringe Festival of FREE Theatre, Oct 10 – Nov 13, the only FREE Fringe Festival in the nation, offering over two dozen plays and family-oriented events thanks to generous grants from the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture, the City of Santa Monica and the Santa Monica Arts Commission and Playhouse PALS. What’s on today?
In-person and live-streaming on Festival Thursdays:
Thursday, October 28: Holly Sidell’s DECONSTRUCTING HOLLY
7:30pm Rated 16+
While Holly’s body is being deconstructed during cancer surgery to remove her lady parts, she watches her life be deconstructed. Led on a journey(that is also part-circus + gameshow)by a cheeky British Angel, Holly faces what happens when everything we’re programmed to believe makes a woman is taken away. Written & performed by Holly Sidell. Directed by Jonathan Fahn. Script consultant Jessica Lynn Johnson. If you feel safer watching the show from the comfort of your own home, here’s the Youtube link for the free live stream
Thursday, November 4: Heather Keller’s CHEMO BARBIE
7:30pm Rated: 12 to adult
In 2016, Heather Keller, a healthy young vegan runner, was diagnosed with breast cancer and her life changed forever. This is her heartbreaking, inspiring and ultimately uplifting story. Winner, 2017 Hollywood Fringe Encore Award. Written & performed by Heather Keller. Directed & developed by Jessica Lynn Johnson.
FREE as part of the BFF Binge Fringe Festival of Free Theatre

The Santa Monica Playhouse BFF Binge Fringe Festival of FREE Theatre! What’s On In-Person today