Spectrum Gestalt 7

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.
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June 21, 2020, 12:00 AM
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bG Gallery
2525 Michigan Ave. Space A2.
Santa Monica, California 90404
Spectrum Gestalt 7

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.

Over 60 artists works grouped into a virtual installation gradually moving through an entire color spectrum.
Duration: June 21 – August 21
ARTISTS: Kathryn & RD Wakeman, Aazam Irilian, Allan Peach, Angela Kent, Ashton Phillips, Barbara Kolo, Chalda Maloff, Chris Stanton, Christine Romanell, Dale Voelker, Daniel Monteavaro (moncho1929), Eike Waltz, Elena Mary Siff, Eris Sharon, Eva Wilson, Heather Lowe, Johnny Naked, Jonathan Ware, Joy Ray, Kathy Copsey, Lüdemann, Marietta Patricia Leis, Marleene Rubenstein, Mike Chattem, Nadia Roldan, Ola Aksan, Pamela Mower-Conner, Paola Gracey, Paul Dilworth, Rebecca Laws, Richard S. Chow, Sheida Khosrojerdi, Stephanie Sydney, Sumena Dunn, Sumena Dunn, Suzanne Budd, Therese Verner, Tina Ybarra, Tony Gangitano, Vanessa Freitag, Vian Borchert, Vortex Viper, Yari Ostovany and more.

Spectrum Gestalt 7