Soft Sculpture and Storytelling with Mimi Haddon

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.
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October 5, 2019, 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
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Camera Obscura Art Lab
1450 Ocean Avenue
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Soft Sculpture and Storytelling with Mimi Haddon

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.

Saturday 10/5, 1pm-3pm
Cost: Free!
To register, click on the link or call 310-458-2239.
Using Mimi’s “Talmasque” series of ambiguously embodied images as a jumping off point, participants will work in groups to outfit studio mannequins with soft sculpture and costume elements to create spirited characters. As a group, we’ll come up with some narratives about these characters to discuss and write down.
During all workshops with Mimi Haddon, she will looking for participants to pose for photographs, for possible inclusion in her Camera project book. Let her know if you’d like to take part!
As a Camera Obscura Studio Resident August 7 – November 13, 2019, costume designer and photographer Mimi Haddon is considering ideas of adaptation and territory, utilizing mask, costume and movement with posed members of the public. She is documenting the archetypes and characters that participants create in response to transformative costuming, and will include selected portraits in a book about the newly forged narratives and connections that emerge out of this process.

Soft Sculpture and Storytelling with Mimi Haddon