To the Sea: Dance Concerts on the Santa Monica Pier

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.
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April 13, 2018, 6:30 PM
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Santa Monica Pier
200 Santa Monica Pier
Santa Monica, CA 90401
To the Sea: Dance Concerts on the Santa Monica Pier

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.

To the Sea: Dance Concerts on the Pier is a FREE, three-evening dance event taking place on the Santa Monica Pier from April 13-15.
Part of the 17th Annual Dance Camera West Film Festival, the innovative and unique To the SeaDance Concerts on the Pier will feature individual choreographers and dance companies ranging in all dance forms and genres performing live on the West End of the Santa Monica Pier.
Performers and attendees will be surrounded by the natural space of the Pacific Ocean and the Pier. Each performances will be  followed by a brief moderated Q&A with the audience.

To the Sea: Dance Concerts on the Santa Monica Pier