“Santa Monica: A Look Back to 1902 from Today“

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.
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May 18, 2018, 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM
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Santa Monica History Museum
1350 7th Street
Santa Monica, CA 90401
“Santa Monica: A Look Back to 1902 from Today“

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.

Starting on May 18, 2018, the Santa Monica History Museum invites you to join us for our newest exhibit, “Santa Monica: A Look Back to 1902 from Today“.
What did Santa Monica look like in 1902? As a child, local resident Michael Murphy found the answer in a Santa Monica Fire Department photography book of local buildings. As an adult, he painstakingly researched and documented each location’s appearance. This exhibit presents his series of then-and-now photographs comparing Santa Monica from 1902 to today.
The exhibit is a companion to Murphy’s book of the same title (released on May 14th, Arcadia Publishing). Join us in exploring how Santa Monica’s structures have changed over the last century!
The museum, and this exhibit, are open to the public Tuesdays and Thursdays noon to 8:00 PM, and Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The museum is closed Sundays and Mondays. General admission for adults is $10.00 ($15 for 2 adults) and $5.00 for seniors & students. Veterans, active-duty military, children 12 and under, and Santa Monica History Museum members receive free admission.

“Santa Monica: A Look Back to 1902 from Today“