Renew You: MiniRetreat & Sound Bath

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.
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November 26, 2018, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
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Santa Monica Yoga
1640 Ocean Park Blvd
Santa Monica, California 90405
Renew You: MiniRetreat & Sound Bath

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.

‘Tis the season to be jolly. However, here in California, it’s been difficult to feel the holiday magic after the last couple of weeks. We’ve seen local families who have lost homes and loved ones in the horrific fires, while we all barely had time to mourn the loss of lives from the mass shooting in #ThousandOaks. Fortunately, we have been able to cling together as a community. as our first responders banded together from across the US to support our communities through the devastation. We have, all, suffered from sickening air quality that has polluted our bodies. Let’s honor the loss and grief, and shift to healing with us, at our Renew You: Gratitude Healing Retreat.
This is a great gift for yourself and loved ones to release feelings of anxiety from the loss and grief and frenzied end of year happenings, and welcome a joyous holiday season and end to 2018 and welcome a peaceful New Year.
At Renew You Retreats, we layer Mindfulness Meditation, the Melt Method, and Reiki Energy Healing, in order to tap into your body’s natural ability to heal yourself….and once again, we’re having a SOUND BATH! You will leave our mini retreats pain and stress-free, re-energized, re-vitalized, and re-motivated! With the added sound bath, you will experience a deepened, renewed calmness.

Renew You: MiniRetreat & Sound Bath
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