Red Hen Press Reading: Jim Tilley, Teri Youmans, Shonda Buchanan and Randall Mann

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April 5, 2016, 6:30 pm to 8:00 PM
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Annenberg Community Beach House
415 Pacific Coast Highway
Santa Monica, CA 90402
Red Hen Press Reading: Jim Tilley, Teri Youmans, Shonda Buchanan and Randall Mann

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.

Tonight’s poets bring the past to the present – paying tribute to past beauties and regrets while weaving in the old with the new. Jim Tilley recounts coming of age at summer camp; Teri Grimm follows the rise and fall of a fictional silent film legend; Shonda Buchanan traces her family’s journey through the South and middle America, celebrating their Native American and African American ancestry; Randall Mann’s poetry—at once vulnerable and brave—crosses a keen sense of place with an exploration of expectations, attraction, and brutalities.

Red Hen Press Reading: Jim Tilley, Teri Youmans, Shonda Buchanan and Randall Mann