Open Art Crits at the Camera Obscura

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.
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November 10, 2018, 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM
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Camera Obscura Art Lab
1450 Ocean Avenue
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Open Art Crits at the Camera Obscura

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.

Who needs a second opinion? Artists: are you looking to get out of the studio, out of your head, to share your practice and get feedback from diverse perspectives? Join a healthy conversation with alumni from Otis College of Art & Design. Stop by to see others’ work and share constructive feedback. Camera Obscura Open Art Crits are open to visual artists and serious art lovers who are looking for an enriching exchange of ideas. How it works: Two 45 minute spots are available for sign up ahead of time, plus each session includes one drop-in 15 minute spot. To sign up for the long spots, email Claudia at Bring an artwork you made and some specific questions to present to the group.The process: We will be engaging in an analysis of the artwork’s techniques and narratives, subjects and objects, symbols and concepts, and processes and execution while looking, asking, studying, reflecting, and sharing. We will value artwork through observation and acknowledgement of the work’s personal impact as well as the potential it carries in relation to contemporary realities. This will be in the form of an organic group discussion where every artwork is precious, every opinion valuable, and each voice heard and appreciated. All participants: be prepared to contribute by creating a supporting, caring, respectful, and safe environment where we explore our liveliness and creativity, being mindful of time constraints and each other. This class is presented in conjunction with Trade School ( an alternative, self-organized school that runs on the gift economy. Classes are offered at various sites throughout Los Angeles and teachers work in exchange for receiving simple items on their wish list from participants. Camera Obscura Art Crit is led by Claudia Borgna, and she requests that participants bring one of these items in exchange for taking the class: a plant, preferably rescued bike-carryable; any garden produce that you might have; home/hand made soap; extra virgin olive oil; oregano essential oil.

Open Art Crits at the Camera Obscura