All-Male, Late-Night, Date-Night Beauty and the Beast

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.
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June 9, 2017, 9:30 PM to 10:45 PM
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Santa Monica Playhouse, The Other Space
1211 4th St.
Santa Monica, CA 90401
All-Male, Late-Night, Date-Night Beauty and the Beast

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.

Celebrating Pride 2017!
It’s the acclaimed Rudie-DeCarlo musical comedy, a charmingly original adaptation of that most gloriously romantic love story, with a brand-new inclusive twist. The third in the series of Fairy Stories for Pride productions, playwrights Chris DeCarlo and Evelyn Rudie mold the magic, romance, humor and grandeur of this timeless tale into a production which touches the hearts, and indeed, almost the fingertips, of its audience members. Set in a fantasy Medieval milieu “long, long ago,” a lovely and spirited Beauty takes charge of her fate and molds herself a most endearing Beast, who offers her a rose garden of a thousand and one delights.
Replete with ditzy sisters, a befuddled sire, a spell-binding sorceress and a flamboyantly foppish suitor, who all inadvertently or intentionally strew more than a few thorns along Beauty and her Beast’s arduous, and ardor-ous, path, Beauty and her Beast discover that loves wins out, allowing all to find their happily-ever-after endings, and proving that beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. The all-male original practices production features Patrick Censoplano, Nima Ghassemian, Luke Martin McMahan, Joseph Perez, Graham Silbert, Sam Sturges, and Zack Medway as Beauty.
Shows Fridays and Saturdays, starting June 9th until July 15th at 9:30pm. May not be suitable for under 15 years of age.

All-Male, Late-Night, Date-Night Beauty and the Beast