International Women’s Day Networking Celebration 2021

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.
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March 8, 2021, 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
International Women's Day Networking Celebration 2021

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.

The Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce and the Organization of Women Leaders (OWL) host the annual inspirational networking celebration in honor of International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month.
This motivational and fun event gathers the top women business leaders from around Santa Monica. Each year, “Owlies” are honored in relation to the Women’s Day theme for their commitment to the community.  Past “Owlies” include presidential candidate Marianne Williamson, Julie Pilat, Amy Ziering, Jennifer Garner, Elaine Polachek, Bettina Duval (California List), Mallika Chopra (Living With Intent), Santa Monica Chief of Police Jacqueline Seabrooks, and Channel 11 news anchor Christine Devine.
Join the OWL Committee to connect with other women business leaders, have a voice in coordination of the yearly event and to participate in other mini-events. A Zoom link will be provided upon registration.
Ticket prices: $35 for non-members and $20 for members
Outstanding Women Leaders:
Sheila James Kuehl, Los Angeles County Supervisor
Dr. Shelley Luce, CEO of Heal the Bay, Environmental activist & nonprofit executive
Deborah Kobylt, journalist, and former correspondent with CNN and Fox11 News.

International Women's Day Networking Celebration 2021