Imagination Nation Super Station
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Join Santa Monica Playhouse for the 7th Annual BFF Binge Fringe Festival of FREE Theatre, Oct 15 – Nov 6, offering over two dozen plays and family-oriented events thanks to generous grants from the City of Santa Monica and the Santa Monica Arts Commission and Playhouse PALS. What’s on today?
There was a time in the ’70’s and ’80’s that Saturday morning television was specifically for children. Most folks associate that with cartoons, but there were many live-action entertainment shows. Programs like H. R. Pufinstuf, The Banana Splits, and Zooblie Zoo taught kids life skills like the value of friendship, or conservation, or about honesty. The productions were fast-paced, vivid, psychedelic, and just a little bit crazy.
The Imagination Nation Super Station is such a show. Santa Monica Playhouse is back to confront current (but not that dissimilar) challenges kids face today. Utilizing the power of the factory that creates dreams and ideas for the Imagination Nation, we’ll deal with these issues in a fun and off-beat manner. Create a brand-new episode based on the studio audience’s suggestions.
The Imagination Nation Super Station is produced by Jerry Witt and features Amanda Blake Davis, Amelia Clover, Jon Thompson, Mychael Hawk, Katrina Lofgren, Vickie Eisenstein, and Nick Kaufman.