Holiday Concert: Music from the Movies

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.
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December 2, 2018, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
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Barnum Hall
600 Olympic Blvd.
Santa Monica, California 90405
Holiday Concert: Music from the Movies

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.

The Santa Monica Symphony celebrates the holiday season with a festive concert of classical favorites from popular movies. The music of John Williams shares the program with Strauss and Wagner along with selected movements from Tchaikovsky’s beloved Nutcracker Suite. All Santa Monica Symphony concerts are free and ticketless. For more information, please visit:
Sunday, December 2, 7:00 pm
Music from the Movies
Santa Monica Symphony Orchestra
Guido Lamell, Music Director and Conductor
Harvey Pittel, Alto Saxophone
Strauss: “Sunrise” Fanfare from Also Sprach Zarathustra
(2001: A Space Odyssey)
Wagner: Ride of the Valkyries (Apocalypse Now)
Williams: Escapades (Catch Me If You Can)
Tchaikovsky: Selected movements from The Nutcracker
Barnum Hall, Santa Monica High School, 600 Olympic Blvd., Santa Monica
All Santa Monica Symphony Concerts are FREE
Open seating
(310) 395-6330

Holiday Concert: Music from the Movies