Helie Lee’s “Ghost Wedding

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October 27, 2016, 8:00 PM to 9:45 PM
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Santa Monica Playhouse, The Other Space
1211 4th St.
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Helie Lee’s

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.

After ten years of study to become a doctor, a Korean man, Don, comes home from the US. It’s time for an arranged marriage and duty to family. But unbeknownst to anyone, Don plans to bring home a different bride, Shelby, the true love of his life. As his parents and their bride patiently wait for his plane to arrive from New York, the plane crashes, killing Don and Shelby. Tragedy? Hardly. This black comedy written by Helie Lee levels the playing field as family matters are resolved between the living and the dead using secret family talents. This show is free for one night only as part of the Santa Monica Playhouse Binge Free Festival of Theatre – your new BFF – the first ever official Santa Monica Fringe Festival.
The Binge Free Festival of Theatre offers over 40 plays, workshops and an overflowing toy-box of special family-oriented events, to delight your senses and tickle your funny bone – and every single one of them is free! Binge on theatre this October – better than television any day!
All tickets to BFF events are free but reservations are required. For more information or to reserve your seats, call the Box Office at 310-394-9779.

Helie Lee’s