Gormandise Speaker Series: An Evening with Get Hooked Seafood

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.
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March 31, 2023, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
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The Gourmandise School in Santa Monica
395 Santa Monica Place, Suite 329
Santa Monica , CA 90401
Gormandise Speaker Series: An Evening with Get Hooked Seafood

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.

Join us as we welcome Kim Selkoe and Victoria Voss, the badass women who run Get Hooked Seafood, a CSA for locally sourced fish out of Santa Barbara. The evening will begin with an in-depth conversation with Kim and Victoria about their backgrounds in fishing, environmental stewardship, and their efforts to create value-added products to sustain small, local fisheries. We will focus on the sustainability of sourcing seafood locally, the differences between fresh vs. frozen, wild-caught vs. farmed, and much more.  Kim and Victoria will speak to the importance of supporting our California fishing industry, and how your purchasing power makes a difference. A lively Q&A will follow where all your seafood questions can be asked and answered.

One of our Gourmandise Chefs will be demonstrating how to break down and filet a whole fish, provided by Get Hooked. Those in attendance will get a filet to take home and cook!

Gormandise Speaker Series: An Evening with Get Hooked Seafood