Fear of Kathy Acker

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February 27, 2024, 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM
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Illusion Magic Lounge
1418 4th St
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Fear of Kathy Acker

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.

Siena Foster-Soltis’s adaptation of Jack Skelley’s Fear of Kathy Acker is a tantalizing pseudo-Odyssean pop culture purge. With surrounding themes of desire, writing, consumerism, paranoia, gender, and the 1980s, Foster-Soltis (with co-director Rory James Leech) transforms FOKA through the lens of live theater and the contemporary Los Angeles literary scene. As the original work of autofiction, written by a young Skelley in the early 80s, sees its second life (published by Semiotext(e) in 2023), Foster-Soltis centers both the parallels and dichotomies of Skelley’s hetero-male-centric voice and her own perspectives. In a literal protagonist mashup and mind-meld, Fear of Kathy Acker is experienced through an all femme and non binary cast. The performance contains suggestive and sexual content, strong language, and adult themes. This show is recommended for audiences 18 years old and older.

For more info, click here.

Fear of Kathy Acker