EVERYONE WAS INVITED: The Hyphenate Art and Life of Kate Johnson

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March 20, 2021, 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
EVERYONE WAS INVITED: The Hyphenate Art and Life of Kate Johnson

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.

Kate Johnson (1969-2020) was a hyphenate artist. At the start of spring on March 20, 2021, for the one-year anniversary of her passing, an online experience of performances, memories and interaction will awaken recognition of the multiplicity of Johnson’s achievements in her 50 years.
An artist trained in performance, with a 27 year-long full-time career as a professional media artist. An Emmy-award winning documentary filmmaker. A large-scale site-specific projection artist, creating enormous imagery on such iconic LA landmarks as LA’s City Hall. A computer coder, an educator, publisher, musician, archivist and advocate for the preservation of the diversity of experiences that make up the human condition. And an immensely inclusive human being who saw beyond the superficial differences which have divided us according not only to political theory, but along lines of genre, and the illusionary barricades dividing the arts from the sciences.
She was the host of 20 years of in person experiences, she loved to stage parties, melding together the salon with the need for mutual understanding. Everyone was invited. She was, at her core, a uniquely 21st century arts-based practitioner.

EVERYONE WAS INVITED: The Hyphenate Art and Life of Kate Johnson