Einstein! Celebrating 100 Years of General Relativity

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March 27, 2023, 7:00 PM
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Santa Monica Playhouse
1211 4th Street
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Einstein! Celebrating 100 Years of General Relativity

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.

Its Berlin 1914, a younger, pre-crazy-haired, Albert Einstein awaits news from an eclipse expedition that will prove his Theory of General Relativity. But Einstein is sent sideways in a world crumbling around him due to The Great War, colleagues stealing his theories, being isolated for his pacifist views, a wife who won’t give him a divorce, his failing health, a huge scientific backlash, anti-Semitism, thoughts of suicide, his own self-destructive genius and a young son fighting for his father’s affections. Meanwhile, he comes up with a theory that changes the way we live our lives today.

Einstein! is an inspirational and true story. Based on the recent release of 15,000 documents and three years of research– writer and performer Jack Fry shares insight into Einstein’s early life, a story that few people know. Among many things, this play highlights the trials we all face as individuals in a world that at times doesn’t want us to succeed. This show, told in extraordinary detail, sheds light on the triumph of the human spirit as we are witness to history’s hand-pushing, pulling, and knocking Einstein about, at last giving birth to our modern technical age. It’s truly the story that made his hair “crazy.”

Click HERE for more information!

Einstein! Celebrating 100 Years of General Relativity