Dance Camera West Drive-In at The Broad Stage
This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.
January 30, 2021, 5:30 PM to 9:30 PM
This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.
The Broad Stage Presents: Dance Camera West Drive-In
Celebrate the energy, vitality and passion of dance in the age of social distancing – at the Drive-In! Don’t miss the very best dance films from around the world, shown in their full glory outdoors on the big screen while you enjoy the comforts of your car. A moving grand finale to the 2021 festival, the Dance Camera West Drive-In features 16 stunning finalists carefully selected from 250 international entries. A must-see for all fans of dance, music and cinematography – audiences will be left breathless and wanting more!
Each film will make its World, US and/or LA Premiere.
Screenings at 5:30pm & 8pm
Santa Monica College Bundy Campus East Parking Lot
Each film will make its World, US and/or LA Premiere.
Screenings at 5:30pm & 8pm
Santa Monica College Bundy Campus East Parking Lot
(2 Programs/4 Screenings)
Santa Monica College Bundy Campus – East Parking Lot
Single Screening: $45 per carPremium Pass: $80 per car
Buy both Programs A and B at a special combo price and you’ll get the complete Dance Camera West 2021 Digital Festival Collection! (access sent by email to ticket buyers in February)
Santa Monica College Bundy Campus – East Parking Lot
Single Screening: $45 per carPremium Pass: $80 per car
Buy both Programs A and B at a special combo price and you’ll get the complete Dance Camera West 2021 Digital Festival Collection! (access sent by email to ticket buyers in February)
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