Dahn Gim and Alex Wand; New Works
This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.
Join us for the culminating exhibition of studio residents Dahn Gim and Alex Wand, exhibiting new sculpture and sound works. Light refreshments provided.
Schedule: 5pm: mix and chat; Dahn will be exhibiting work in an open studio format.
6-6:50pm: Alex screens a documentary film about his Camino de las Monarcas project, where as Alejandro Botijo he cycled 2000 miles Los Angeles to Michoacan, Mexico, following the migratory paths of the monarchs and seeding a path of milkweed along the way.
7-7:40pm: a new site specific performance in the Camera Obscura with Alex Wand, Dahn Gim and others; more to come.