Aero Theatre Presents: Cinemania

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April 12, 2017, 7:30 PM to 8:50 PM
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Aero Theatre
1328 Montana Avenue
Santa Monica, CA 90403
Aero Theatre Presents: Cinemania

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.

CINEMANIA, 2002, The Cinema Guild, 83 min. Dirs. Angela Christlieb, Stephen Kijak. If you go to a movie theater often enough, you’ll begin to recognize “the regulars” – local film buffs whose lives revolve around screenings. And if you’ve been to the movies in New York City, you’ve probably crossed paths with Jack, Eric, Bill, Roberta or Harvey – the five obsessive filmgoers profiled here. This irresistible and hilarious cult documentary is sure to strike a chord whether you’re a cinemaniac yourself or merely curious about that familiar face sitting in the next row. “A breezy study of movie love at its most dementedly committed.” – The Village Voice. Discussion following with co-director Stephen Kijak.

Aero Theatre Presents: Cinemania