The Santa Monica Playhouse BFF Binge Fringe Festival of FREE Theatre! What’s On In-Person today

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.
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October 13, 2021, 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
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Santa Monica Playhouse - The Other Space
1211 4th Street
Santa Monica, CA 90401
The Santa Monica Playhouse BFF Binge Fringe Festival of FREE Theatre! What’s On In-Person today

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.

Join us for the 6th Annual BFF Binge Fringe Festival of FREE Theatre, Oct 10 – Nov 9, offering over two dozen plays and family-oriented events thanks to generous grants from the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture, the City of Santa Monica and the Santa Monica Arts Commission and Playhouse PALS. What’s on in-person and live-streaming on Festival Wednesdays:
Wed, Oct 13: Kira Powell’s CAUGHT IN THE MIX
7:30pm Rated 13+
An autobiographical one-woman show about a mixed black and Latina woman, who grew up believing she was white. Follow Kira as she struggles to accept her true identity. Her vulnerability, truth and humor carry us through racism, anti-blackness, white favoritism, colorism, and what it’s like for a person of color to be raised in a household and society that idolizes whiteness as she overcomes her identity struggles and moves into a life of self-love and self-worth. Winner of the 2021 Soaring Solo Social IMPACT Award. Written & performed by Kira Powell.
Wed, Oct 20: Tony Cronin’s COME SUNDOWN
7:30pm Rated: 21 +
A reading of Tony Cronin’s screenplay adaptation of his play Come Sundown.
Wed, Oct 27: Veronica Carey Matthews’ TransSetter
7:30pm Rated: 14 to adult
Winner of the 2021 Hollywood Fringe Festival Encore Producers Award, Pick of the Fringe Honorable Mention, and Nominated for Best World Premiere, Best Solo Show, and Solo Splash Award. Veronica narrates the story of her previous identity (Carey) and his journey into transitioning. Having struggled for years on the Hollywood scene, things were slowly moving upward until he got in his own way. As his life started to fall apart, Carey had to make some changes; and while change was in the air, an even bigger life “transition” was afoot. Written & performed by Veronica Carey Matthews. Directed and developed by Jessica Lynn Johnson.
Wed, Nov 3: The American Premiere of Erika Jolly’s ROMANTIC POETRY NIGHT WITH CANDLES – a BFF 2021 International Selection
7:30pm Rated: all ages
Colombian actress Erika Jolly, now a resident of Santa Monica, brings her poetry night to the stage in this American premiere. With her soft, romantic voice and Bohemian style delivery, Erika interprets poems from select authors, in English and Spanish. Says Erika, “Now that I live in Santa Monica, I would like to perform here so that people can enjoy these beautiful poems. I love reading and acting, before only in Spanish, and now in English, my second language.”

The Santa Monica Playhouse BFF Binge Fringe Festival of FREE Theatre! What’s On In-Person today