Author event! Katrina Leno in conversation with Kaden

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July 1, 2023, 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
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Zibby's Bookshop
1113 Montana Ave
Santa Monica, CA 90403
Author event! Katrina Leno in conversation with Kaden

This event has expired. Please visit the Events Calendar for current listings.

We’re hosting Katrina Leno as she celebrates the launch of her first middle-grade novel, THE UMBRELLA MAKER’S SON! Katrina will be joined in conversation by Kaden, discerning book critic, age 8.

Event format: 30 minute chat, followed by audience Q&A and book signing

About the book:

Oscar Buckle lives in a city where it’s always raining. And when it isn’t raining, it’s about to rain, so the townspeople have learned to embrace it. Oscar’s father is an umbrella maker—appropriate for a place where you can’t leave home without one!—but while Buckle Umbrellas are strong, reliable, and high quality, they’re expensive. Because of this, people are buying from the competitor instead, which is threatening Oscar’s family’s business.

To make ends meet, Oscar is forced to quit school and work in his father’s shop as an apprentice. But when extraordinary events start to occur in their rainy town, Oscar becomes suspicious of their competitor. Desperate to save his town, Oscar must enlist the help of his best friend, Saige, to discover if there’s more than nature involved in their city’s weather.

About the author:

Katrina Leno was born on the East Coast and currently lives in Los Angeles. She is the author of seven critically acclaimed novels for young adults: Sometime in Summer, Horrid, You Must Not Miss, Summer of Salt, Everything All at Once, The Lost & Found, and The Half Life of Molly Pierce. Her eighth novel, The Umbrella Maker’s Son, arrives June 27, 2023. She thinks you are just lovely.

Author event! Katrina Leno in conversation with Kaden